
Shafer Farms
297 N 600 W
Andrews, IN 46702

Philip Shafer 260-450-5313
Phil Shafer 260-358-6096
Jenny Shafer 260-530-7107
Kelly Shafer 260-224-4283


  • We use every marketing strategy to provide higher returns - futures, HTA, basis, contracts as well as bull-bear spreads, puts and call options.
  • Extremely strong relationship with our banks, suppliers and grain marketers.
  • In constant contact with input providers to obtain the best products at the lowest prices possible. As well as selling at the peak of the market.

Agreements Offered

1. Cash Rent
2. 50-50
3. 1/3 - 2/3 Receive 1/3 of gross bushel
4. X bushel per acre
5. Flex rent off the gross bushels
6. Your idea will work too!

Contracts ranging from 1 yr to 10 yr., we pride ourselves for on time payments.